Finance Administration


This page of the manual is a guide to the system administration of the Finance screens. These screens have several system administration tasks which allow the screen to be customised to your practice and clients needs.


Configuration Settings

 Administration > Settings > Account






 Administration > Settings > Reporting

Statements Section:

Show Surgery Header

Enabling this option will include the surgery header on the statements.


Print Batch in Statement

Prints batch details on Statement.


Hide payment user name

Hides the user name of the user who took the payment from statements.


Statement Remittance Advice

The text submitted here will be included on all statements issued from the Merlin System, above the remittance part of the statement.


Statement Footer

The text entered will appear on the bottom of all statements, leave this text box blank for no footer information to appear.


Footer Font Size

Enter the size font required for your statement footer here.


Sort By - Invoice Date/Item Date

This option determines if the statement appears in Invoice Date order (The date the invoice was created), or Item Date order (The date the item was added)


Custom surgery header

This box allows you to insert a custom header for your statements. This is usually your Site name, Address details and contact number however you can also include your email address, website details etc.


Notes header

This box lets you change your notes header on the statements page. By default this is set to: 'Credit Terms: Payment by return please'.



The notes below the header can also be edited using the free-text box provided.


Group Codes Discounts on One Line

If ticked, discounts/credits are displayed in one line on the Statements rather than two separate lines (one for the item and one for the discount).


Invoices Section:

Show Surgery Header

Enabling this option will include the surgery header on the statements.


Print Batch in Invoice

Prints batch details on Invoice.


Invoice Footer

The text entered will appear on the bottom of all statements, leave this text box blank for no footer information to appear.


Footer Font Size

Enter the size required for your statement footer here.


Sort By - Invoice Date/Item Date

This option determines if the Invoice appears in Invoice Date order (The date the invoice was created), or Item Date order (The date the item was added).


Sort By - Multi-Invoice Date/Item Date

As above, for Multi-Invoices.


Other Section:

Show Estimate Surgery Header

This will place the site details (address, phone number, etc) on the header of Estimates. (If a logo to selected with the Default 'Report Surgery Header with Logo', this will appear on your Estimates)


Show Medical History Surgery Header

This will place the site details (address, phone number, etc) on the header of Medical History. (If a logo to selected with the Default 'Report Surgery Header with Logo', this will appear on your History)


Report Surgery Header with Logo

This default will add your selected logo to all statements, invoices, estimates and histories.

Select the 'Choose file' button to select and upload a logo.


Report Delivery Note with batch

Show batch numbers on Delivery Notes.


Estimate Header

The text entered will appear on the top of all estimates, leave this text box blank for no header information to appear.


Estimate Disclaimer

The text entered will appear on the bottom of all estimates, leave this text box blank for no disclaimer information to appear.  


Monthly Invoices - Group by animal

If selected, Monthly invoices created through are grouped by animal.

For more information on monthly invoices see the Create Monthly Invoices page.


Custom report directory

This default is configured by the Vet Space Installation team. It specifies where the system locates customer specific reports.


Show Insurance Breakdown Option in Monthend, Selected Sales and Treatment Analysis Reports

If selected, Insurance breakdown reports are accessible through Utilities > Standard Reports.

For more information see the Summary of Reports - Financial page.



Library Configuration


Administration > Accounting




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MWI Animal Health, an AmerisourceBergen Company