SMS Administration


SMS messaging is used within the system to communicate with Clients in the following areas: Diary, Appointment Reminders, Patient Reminders, Compliance Reminders, Reception and Report Wizard.



Email & SMS Licence

Email and SMS messaging require the correct licensing from MWI Animal Health. For more information contact your BDM.

SMS Templates

An SMS Template allows pre-written messages to be sent to clients, on an individual bases or as a group. In order to send texts. Creating templates speeds up the SMS process and allows for accurate spelling and grammar which may be overlooked in a rapidly typed message.

Adding an SMS Template

1) Open the SMS Template Editor (Administration > SMS Messaging > SMS Templates).



2) Select the relevant area from the Category drop down box.



3) Once selected, use the text box on the left hand side to create your message along with the 'Available Data Fields'.



'Available data fields' can be used to personalise each SMS message. For example, sending SMS messages to two Clients: 'Mr Phillips' and 'Mrs Jenkins,' using:


"Hi <<Title>> <<Surname>>"


will send the following to the Clients:


Message 1: "Hi Mr Phillips"

Message 2: " Hi Mrs Jenkins".


4) Select 'Save' and the template will be added to the 'Available Templates' list.


Edit an SMS Template

1) Select a template from the 'Available Templates' list.

2) The text will load into the bottom left text box.

3) Edit the text/data fields as required.

4) Select 'Save' and this will overwrite the previous text template.


Delete an SMS Template

1) Select a template from the 'Available Templates' list.

2) The text will load into the bottom left text box.

3) Select 'Delete' and this will permanently delete the template.


Review Messages Sent

The 'Review Messages Sent' menu displays all sent SMS messages with their delivery status (sent/not sent) for the dates specified.


Note: Due to the number of SMS text messages sent through, the delivery status may take up to 72 hours to show as received.

Please allow 3 days for the system to update and review the success rate of sent messages.

Viewing Messages Sent

1) Navigate to Administration > SMS Messaging > Review Messages Sent.

2) Specify the dates you wish to view.



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MWI Animal Health, an AmerisourceBergen Company