Registering a Patient


Patients can be registered to new and existing clients.

Learning Zone Video




Patient Details Screen


Within the Patient Details screen, there are nine tabs each of which hosts a different subsection of patient details.



There are two ways to enter the add patient screen.


1) When adding a new Client, after registering Data Consent, select 'Add Patient'.

2) When selecting a Client in the Reception screen, select the 'Add' button.















Registering a patient

1) Once on the patient details screen, add all the known details under the patient details tab.


Note: All items shown with a green pencil are mandatory items, these must be completed before you are able to save.


2) Once all information has been added under the patient details screen click the 'Save' button.



Entering Patient Details

The layout of the patient details screen changes dependent on the 'Patient Category' selected.

Small Animal


Farm Animal     



Field Item Description / Function
Patient Category   1


The Category of the Patient, this is similar to Client Category.


Name 2


The name of the patient.


Id   3


When a new patient is added, it is assigned a unique identification number by the system.  This is cannot be changed by the user.


Species 4


The Species of the patient.    


Breed 5


The Breed of the patient.    


Colour 6


The Colour of the patient.    


Gender 7


The Gender of the patient.     


Preferred Surgeon 8


If the client prefers to see a particular veterinary surgeon when they visit, the name of the surgeon can be allocated to the patient.  This information is displayed to the user when booking an appointment in the diary.


Microchip No 9


If the patient's microchip number is known, insert it here.  If a microchip is implanted into the patient and sold via the system, Merlin will prompt the user to enter the chip number and this will be stored here.  


Last Visit 10


This date is the last date this animal had treatment applied to their file.  


Registered 11


The date that the patient first registered with the practice.  If you are re-registering a long-standing patient, you may select the actual registration date using the date selector .


Date of Birth 12


The patient's date of birth, this can be entered by two methods.

1) use the date selector  to select the exact date

2) Use the Enter Age button.


Age 13


The age will be calculated automatically if date of birht has been entered.


Weight 14


The weight of the animal in kilograms.  The ability to store weights to three decimal places means that the weight can be stored to the nearest gram.


Deceased 15


Selecting a date will store the date that the animal died if applicable .  Setting a date here will also mark the animal as "deceased" in the records ensuring removal from any booster lists or mailings.


Insurance Plan 16


Select the name of the insurer from the drop down list.  


Policy No 17


he patients insurance policy number may be stored here for reference.


Policy Start 18


Register the start date using the date selector.


Case No 19


Referral Practices or Vets / Nurses studying for academic qualifications may wish to record case numbers for patients.


Patient Discount Category 20


This works exactly the same way as Client Discount Category does, except this Category applies to the individual animal.


Flea Prevention 21


Select the name of the preferred flea prevention for this patient.  Names may be added to the drop down list by the practice administration.


Last Flea 22


The date that the client last bought a flea treatment for the patient is stored here, this value may be entered manually by the user. It is possible to configure treatments as 'Flea Treatments' so that this date is automatically updated.


Last Wormed 23


The date that the client last bought a worming treatment for the patient is stored here, this value may be entered manually by the user. It is possible to configure treatments as 'Worming Treatments' so that this date is automatically updated.


Fixed Notes 24


Stores any fixed information here. This information will automatically appear in the hospital list.


Loyalty Card 25


Can be used to indicate if the client is a member of the practice loyalty scheme or to store a loyalty card number.


Issued On 26


Used to store the date of issue of the loyalty card.


Usage 27


Purpose for which the animal is used is stored here, e.g. Stud, Working, Show, Dairy, etc


Height 28


Used to store the height of a patient.


Sold/Re-homed on 29


If an animal has been sold and is no longer with this owner, check this box for reporting purposes and so that reminders are not sent.


Sold Date 30


Used to store the date on which the animal was sold.


Conditions 31


Store any important information pertaining to allergies here.


Yard Name / Address 32


Register details of the animals location (if different from the clients location).


Intended for Food Chain 33


Used If the animal is intended to be used for the Food Chain.


CPH Number 34


Available within Patient Category (Farm Animal Only), the 9 - digit County Parish Holding (CPH) number (12/345/6789) is the identification number of your farm.


Herd Size 35


Available within Patient Category (Farm Animal Only), this allows you to record the size of the Herd.






Copyright © 2013-2021

MWI Animal Health, an AmerisourceBergen Company