Message Maintenance Administration


The 'Messages' Screen is located on the main menu bar and is used for internal messaging only. This screen is used to message users within your practice and across multiple sites (if applicable).



Creating Users

A prequisite of using the Messaging functionality is the need to setup individual Users. For information, see: User Administration (User Visibility Model)

Create Messaging Groups

Messaging groups can be setup to allow users to send of messages to multiple users (by selecting the group name instead of each recipient) allowing messages to be sent quickly and to the relevant recipients.


Messaging groups can also be used to notify users for system activity such as receiving VetXML results and Direct Debit payment failures.

Creating Messaging Groups

1) Select Administration > Message Maintenance.

2) The Messaging Maintenance screen will display.



3) To add a new Messaging Group, select the 'Add' button.

4) Enter a name for the group (i.e. 'Reception', 'Nurses' or 'Woking Vets') and select 'OK'.

5) The group is saved and added to the Messaging Groups list. Repeat the steps above to create as many groups as is required.

Assigning Users to a Messaging Group

Once the groups have been created, Users need to be added to the groups.


1) Select a group from the Messaging Groups list provided.

2) This will load two columns. 'Available Users' and 'Users Assigned to the Group'.



3) Select a user/s from the 'Available Users' column

4) Click the single right pointing arrow to assign the user to the group.


Note: To add all users to the group, use the double right arrows.

Remove a User from a Messaging Group

1) Select the required group.

2) Select the user you want to remove in the 'Users assigned to the group' column.

3) Select the left pointing arrow.

4) The user is now no longer apart of this group.


To remove all users from a group, use the double left arrows.


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MWI Animal Health, an AmerisourceBergen Company