Price Update


This screen facilitates the import of pricing information from your wholesale supplier.This process stores your supplier's price file, onto which you may apply your markups, dispensing fees, charges and so on through Code Entry.  



Importing Prices (MWI Animal Health Wholesale Users)

This process can be automated for MWI users. The setup for this is documented below.

Set up an automated price update

1) Navigate to Utilities > Wholesale > Price Updates tab.

2) Select the 'Schedule' button.



3) A window will display, providing a variety of options for the scheduled task:



We recommend the following configuration:


Schedule Task = ON

Time = Import every 4 week(s) at 21:00 on the first of each month.

Sites = All Sites

Notify = Admin users. (Notifications are sent via Internal Messages).


4) To save the scheduled task select 'Save'. Scheduled tasks can be viewed in the Scheduler screen.


Importing Prices (All other Suppliers)

To manually import prices from your supplier, follow the below process.


1) Navigate to Utilities > Wholesale > Price Updates tab.

2) Select 'Import Prices'. 

3) Each Supplier has its own upload method (usually select a file from your local pc).

4) Select the site's you wish to update prices for.



5) Once you have selected 'Import Price', the below window will appear.

6) Select 'Yes' to run a check for Invalid/Duplicate codes or select 'No' to continue.


Updating your prices

The supplier price file is now imported into your database and is available for ordering of drugs and supplies and for assigning codes in Code Entry.  The next step is to update prices.


1) In the lower half of the screen, you will see any items stocked by the practice (and ordered from the selected supplier) along with the old price, new price and difference percentage (Diff %).



2) If you wish to update all prices, regardless of whether they have gone up, down or remain unchanged, select the 'Select All' label, before clicking the 'Update Prices' button.


Note: If you wish to alter only prices which have increased, select the 'Select Price Increases' and then select 'Update Prices'. It is also possible to manually select the prices you wish to adjust, by ticking the relevant checkboxes.


Copyright © 2013-2021

MWI Animal Health, an AmerisourceBergen Company