Add Treatment - Treatment Options


When adding an item through the Add Treatment tab of the Treatment Screen, certain items will have treatment options associated dependent on their configuration in Code Entry.

add hyperlink to code entry treatment options



This page documents each treatment option's functionality

Sell as Whole Pack

If the code you have added to drafts has the Code Entry option 'Sell as Whole Pack' you will be prompted by Merlin if you would like to sell the whole pack to this client.


If you select 'Yes' enter the number of whole packs you wish to sell, the number of whole packs is defined in Code Entry from your supplier, once added to drafts the total number of units is displayed in the Qty column.


Batch Numbers

Batch numbers can be added into the Merlin system by two methods, automatically entered from your wholesale supplier or manually in the treatment screen. 


When adding a product were a batch is required then the system will prompt you (shown below) to select or enter the batch number and expiry date. The batch numbers shown below have been entered into the system already. The batch number with the red expiry cell has expired.


To use an existing batch number select the correct row and click 'Select'.



Note: By default only non-expired batch numbers with a batch stock level greater than zero will display.
This is to ensure Merlin only displays relevant batch numbers so that it is easy to locate the necessary batch.


Adding a new Batch Number

For MWI ASN users, batch numbers are automatically imported into the system and will display on the batch traceability screen with stock levels.


If you need to manually enter a new batch number:


1. Type in the batch number under the new 'New Batch' heading

2. Select the expiry date from the expiry date field.

3. Select the 'Add' button.

4. Tick the 'Show Zero Stock' checkbox

5. Select 'Edit'.

6. Enter the batch stock level.

7. Select Save.


If at this point you noticed you have made a mistake then re-add the correct batch number, only the selected batch number when the OK button is selected is saved any other additions are removed.


When adding an item that requires the input of a microchip number the below box will appear.



Insert the microchip number into the box and select 'OK'. To send the microchip to VetXML see VetXML - Microchips for more information.

Alter Sex

Certain services will prompt you to alter the sex of a patient. For example, if you are neutering an animal, their sex will change from male to neutered male.



To alter the sex of the patient select 'Yes', to leave the sex of the patient as it is, select 'No'.

Multiple Dispensing fees

Certain items require you to manually select a dispensing fee from the drop down list.


insert hyperlink


Once you have selected a dispensing fee select 'OK' to add the item to draft.

Attached Document

Items with attached documents produce the below prompt.



Select 'Yes' to generate the attached document and add the item to draft. Select 'No' to add the item to draft without generating a document.

Repeat Prescription

Another treatment option is to prompt you to create a repeat prescription for the item.


To create a repeat prescription select 'Yes' to the prompt. For information on Repeat prescriptions see: Repeat Prescriptions tab.


Send to

When an item is dispensed a prompt will appear, asking if you wish to send the patient to a daylist.




Select an avaialble daylist and select 'Ok'.


Copyright © 2013-2021

MWI Animal Health, an AmerisourceBergen Company